Youth  against  Aids:  ZIMSA Youth  Against  Aids  (YAA)  are  school-based  sessions  about  HIV/AIDS  held  by  ZIMSA  in Harare,  Gweru  and  Bulawayo.  These  sessions  have  increased  the  capacity  of  ZIMSA  as  a student  organization  and have expanded by  incorporating  mental health  into  the  sessions. Although conducted in  a  classroom  setting, the initiative aims to   create  a  space  for students to  open  up  and  talk about  sensitive  issues.

The sessions strive to move away from the old-school  presentation and strict academic-oriented system of sexual and reproductive health education and to include fun and interactive games to create an interesting environment for the students to learn. The IMUNZI  project  has  shown  to  be  a  tremendous  motivational  factor  for  medical  students to  become  actively  engaged  in  ZIMSA. It has also impacted many high school students who have enjoyed the educational and yet fun atmosphere provided by the trained medical students.

During the current COVID-19 pandemic, the project has started conducting online Youth Against AIDS sessions on WhatsApp which is affordable for most young people in Zimbabwe.

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